
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So, the trick is to remove the orange light pollution and correct the yellows, OR

just find a nice dark spot up in Lake or Itasca county and not deal with all the light pollution. I feel kinda bad as a knew there was a CME coming off the sun and should have prepared a little better. Turns out this was the biggest geomagnetic storm since the awesome December 2006 show. Some interesting info in THIS ARTICLE.

All in all it was still a fun night with the northern lights in the sky and a group of howling coyotes voicing their approval of the show in the field behind me.







Midwestchaser said...

Nice pics Bill! It's been a LONG time since I've seen an aurora.

Andrew Pritchard said...

Nice shots Bill. Can't wait to get another show visible down here... or at least one during the summer when I can fly up to Wisconsin.

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