
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Noobs and Lightbars Rant! & July 30 2011 Tornado Warned Supercell: Ottertail/Todd/Stearns Counties MN


Fun least in terms of getting some quality shots to make up for the 26th. No definite tornado, but some cool structure. Tough call sitting in Osakis, MN trying to decide to take the struggling cell to the west along the best instability or take the cell to the north in the better winds. Took the northern cell and sure enough, while the north cell sustained, the west cell tornadoed (then died). For the most part it was pretty messy but it had it's moments. The lack of good surface flow severely limited the tornado chances.




...and a word to the noobs: Get rid of the lightbars. You look like a tool. Listen to the advice of someone who has been chasing likely longer than you have been alive. Law enforcement isn't very high on chasers in the first place and as a much as you would like to think you are "official", you're not. SKYWARN sure as heck doesn't make you official either so quit pretending before you piss off someone up high enough and the rest of us suffer.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Check the statutes. A friend of mine with the Morrison county sheriff's office would like to talk to you BTW.

Unknown said...

Oh, and if you have photos of me doing something illegal, PLEASE POST THEM. Until then, you are busted. Plain and simple.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Great photos BTW

Unknown said...

For someone who wasn't named personally in this blog, you sure seem to be going through a lot of effort to defend your actions.

Amber lights for caution huh? I think it will be interesting when a county attorney is presented with a complaint from an officer sooner or later. The interpretation and intent of the actions related to the use of the lights will come into play.

On a civil law level, in a personal injury case involving a chaser using aftermarket lights in the name of safety, I would love to be the prosecuting attorney.

Trying to "scare you"? Hardly the case. Trying to keep you from doing something which could potentially be harmful to yourself or other chasers? Absolutely.

Take it for what it is worth. Just words. What do I know?

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