Well, after being locked in a pattern up here which saw dew point records being broken like Judas Priest albums at a subliminal messaging trial, relief is only a few hours away.
This is the first real "cold front" we have seen since June. As the southern and central plains cooked under a dome of brutally hot air, that heat combined with our usual evapotranspiration to fuel some really nice storms during that stretch on the edge of the ridge. Not much for tornadoes, but cool storms at least (which I am fine with).
The NAM will bring in a string of days which will finally be conducive to working outdoors with getting dehydrated and being able to sleep at night with the windows open. My air conditioner is also looking forward to the time off.
Is this the end of the northern plains chase season? I don't think so. I simply see it as a return to a more normal pattern where low pressure centers, warm fronts, cold fronts and triple point plays will once again come back into reality.
In the mean time for you non-believers:
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