Took the Crane Lake road out of Cook, MN and stopped at a couple of portage accesses along the Vermillion River as a pre-scouting trip in anticipation of a kayak trip up to Crane Lake next fall.
The southern part of the Vermillion (it flows north) is pretty tame. The water is really low right now and I can see a problem with shallow rapids and gravel bars.
However, the scenery is really hard to beat as you approach Buyck, MN. (pronounced BIKE)
The upper part of the river as it approaches crane lake is a different story with class V and class VI rapids and waterfalls. This is the only video I could find of the Vermillion Gorge as it nears Crane Lake along the Ontario/Minnesota border.
Anyhow, we only went as far as CR116 (Echo Trail) and took the wilderness route over to Ely (only deer, no moose again) for some dinner and to let Cullen watch them feed the wolves at the International Wolf Center. I always feel kind of uneasy there as I know the majority of the people around me are not in agreement with my wolf management beliefs. So, I just smile and nod.
With the rotation / management model they have for their resident pack, only two wolves are currently accessible. Until they bring in new pups in a year or two, straight up it is not worth your time and money to stop. Very little interaction or action on any level. You are better off going up to Winton and out on CR18 or east towards Isabella on highway 1 at night and seeing if you can hear the wild packs. That would be more interesting and exciting than the IWC currently.
The best part of the trip was some interesting signs we saw:
Like I said, there is a need for wolf management in MN now. One crisis is over. Lets not let another one start.
Um, ok.
Best one on the west end of the Echo.
This one is actually up in the Soumi Hills north of Grand Rapids.
Is this (or is it not) the proper use of the word "have" or should it be "has"?
Yellow tamaracks as the Soumi waits for the snow to arrive.
The weather is pretty tame. From here on out each week we avoid snow is just shortening the winter season. BUT, I am looking forward to getting out on the ice for some fishing in 6 weeks or so!
1 comment:
Ummmm....".Has" is used when combined with a singular noun. The monkey 'has' a banana, (singular) Cole's sign means to imply that have everything but their use of the word 'it' implies singular. So...should they have used 'has" or change the end of their statement from 'it' to..... what? Just askin' M
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