Monday, January 2, 2012
Eagles vs Lead Awareness Campaign Continues
First off, thanks again to Ken Knutson for getting me the full sized images off his phone. The media really wants to use the image of the eagle sitting on the kayak for the stories. That one photo may end up saving an eagle or two from an awful, slow death.
Secondly, met up with Jim Douglas from KARE 11 today and shot some video of the short version highlights of the Christmas Eve drama. Kind of brought back memories of Tim Pastore, Matt Renner, and Zac McFarlane grilling me during green screens on TS. I definitely feel more at home behind the camera, but this story needs to be told. I didn't go through the effort of trying to save that eagle for nothing. Like I said before, if I can keep this eagle alive in spirit through this story, his death was not meaningless.
Third, I want to give a shout out to Jacob Thumberger and my TVN comrades for offering to save me a seat at the Minnesota Storm Chaser Convention coming up on January 14th. It sounds like I will be a chance to tell the eagle story on live TV that morning and I don't want to miss an opportunity like that to get the word out eagles and lead. At the same time, I also want to go talk convective temps with my chaser pals, devour some BW3's and wash it down with a couple of beers afterwards.
So, thanks again to everyone helping to spread the word. The next time you see an eagle soaring overhead, that may be the eagle you saved. Keep it going....
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