
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Changing of the guard?

Seems there are winds of change blowing in the chaser subculture. Before I get into this, I need to make one thing very clear. There is a world of difference between people who perceive themselves as a "chaser" and those who truly are in the know. A word of advice to people who fit into the first category. This isn't your fight and I would advise you to steer clear of what may be coming down the road.

Good old Storm Track. You know, the wx-chase forum of the new millennium. Well, the form which appears "open" to the public has a section for members only and a discussion has started up which likens the second coming of Christ in chaser terms. Some big names are being called out and questioned and it appears we could see a mass exodus of the "old timers" from the front lines. There is a new generation of chasers who are very talented and very saavy. Reed Timmer made the statement "the revolution has begun". Huh, almost prophetic. I knew the day would come when the 20 to 30 something chaser generation would start to make waves as they take the lead and I am sure the ball is rolling full tilt now. What does this mean for me? Absolutely nothing. Remember, I live in Minnesota. So far off the beaten path no one notices. Just the way I like it.


Dewdrop said...

Rather nice being off the beaten path... except for being geographically misplaced, it has its advantages.

CloudStalker said...

I love where i am at,no I dont have the view, but the seabreeze storms are fun to watch
And I Cant wait for the day when i can be called a "Storm chaser"
For now cloud stalker will do.

Unknown said...

You two are both learning and there is no substitute for experience on the road. As this drama continues to unfold, I really think the chasing "legends" will become just that...legends of the past.

Dewdrop said...

Winds of change... I guess this type of thing happens with anything.

Steve Miller said...

Props on the post - haven't seen anyone else covering this in their blogs yet. I imagine there will be much more in the coming days given the fuel. Wonder who will strike the match?

Steve Miller said...

Oh yeah, good looking blog you have here. Think I've been here once before but somehow didn't find my way back. I'll link you I will remember.

CloudStalker said...

with legends in the past comes new legends for the future and as long as the ol' legends are there too teach the ol school rules all should be well with the future of storm chasers.

Unknown said...

The CFDG thread(s) being locked is really interesting now... It's somewhat of a conflict of interest going on. Don't talk about fight club....

Unknown said...

Yep...I knew the double standard issue would be brought up at some point on that thread. Surprise, surprise. FWIW, the "elite" Minnesota list has been dying a slow death for years. Maybe 6 or 7 of the CFDGer's are on MN-CFDG. Yeah, both are kind of a think tank but speaking from being on mn-cfdg (and recently resigned)that "elite group" spiraled into being mn-pcrg (post chase report group) Once in a while there would be a discussion but once Woelm left and Conzemius when on a hiatus while doing his doctorate it slid into a death grip where there was talk of disbanding it. I thought it was funny Conzemius was listed as "Bruce Lee" on the CFDG list which was published on ST. Regardless, the old regime is obviously being target and put on the run now. Should be a good show. Me? I can still walk outside and look up at the sky without guilt any time I want without being part of anything resembling an "elite group" again. Just not for me...

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