
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A time to ponder

The older I get, the more I realize the need for time to simply think. No meetings, no deadlines, no phones. For the better part of my adult life (and a lot of time as a kid) I have very much enjoyed solo time in the outdoors. Yes, the solitude has a lot to do with it. I firmly believe simple silence is good for the soul. However, with silence comes time. With time there is opportunity to do nothing but think. In today's go go go, rush rush rush world, there isn't really a lot of down time. Bosses who demand more with less, traffic, people everywhere, kid's schedules, parent's never seems to stop. So, periodically when I get close to my breaking point after seeing how the world is revolving, the simple solution is to return to my roots. With snowshoes on my boots, a couple of feet of snow, and a few hours in what most people consider brutal cold, it's time to leave the world behind and ponder as to what my next move should be to right my world.

I was fortunate to have one of those days recently. Here are my favorite sites from that day for you to enjoy.







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