
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 8 2012 Minnesota Auroras


Hanging around house working a few photo projects when I noticed the Kp index was hovering around a 4 but the magnetic field was tipped WAY south. Went out in the back yard just to take a couple of test pics and sure enough, an auroral band was pretty evident off to the north through the high, thin clouds. Since it was a warm evening out by Minnesota standards for October, (51° F at 9:30pm), I headed a couple of miles out of town to where I knew this old house was which I thought would make for a cooler composition for the aurora shots than just an empty field or the northern lights over a lake.


SURPRISE! The house is gone! I haven't traveled that road since last winter and evidently this spring the house was demolished and the land became part of the field surrounding it!


Time to improvise. Thankfully this pivot arm irrigator was now in the field and orientated on a near perfect north/south axis.


Had to get one of these in.


Halloween is coming and thanks to the light from my cell phone, I came up with one creepy shot. Well, maybe more cheesy than creepy.

Here is how the next 30 minutes played out.








I did move to another location with water in the foreground but the clouds were filling in and the short lived flurry of action was dying off so packed up the gear and headed home. Sure was a fun way to spend a Monday evening!

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